Becoming a Global Church

By Michelle Tom

Michelle Tom, from San Francisco, shares the story of how her involvement with Hands at Work began and has continued to grow. What started from a short term church mission trip has developed into a bi-continental relationship between church and community.

Hands at Work envisions the Church outside Africa joining their African brothers and sisters in a common cause to serve the poor and to reach Africa's most vulnerable.  One such example is the partnership between Christ Church in San Francisco and Hands at Work to support some of the most vulnerable children in the community of Mcheneke in Malawi. 

I first visited Mcheneke in May of 2013 as a member of Christ Church’s first short-term missions team.  Earlier this year, I spent four months serving with Hands at Work in Africa and one of the highlights during my time was returning to Mcheneke.  There’s something so special about seeing and recognizing familiar faces; it’s that immediate feeling of family.  As we spent time reconnecting, the care workers expressed how grateful they were for the support and encouragement from Christ Church and our pastor.  As I was listening to them, my heart soon became overwhelmed with joy.  I broke down in tears as I tried to express to the care workers how much of a blessing they are to our church and how thankful we are to them as an example of how to sacrificially serve and care for your neighbor.  We, as a community at Christ Church, have learned so much from them about how to better reach and love our city and neighbors.

Since returning home in mid-June, I have had the opportunity to share on a few occasions with the church congregation about my time in Africa.  I was eager to tell them about the incredible work that God continues to do through our brothers and sisters in Mcheneke.  I shared stories of children in the community who are being cared for by the care workers on a daily basis and who now have a voice because their names are known.  It is our privilege to partner with Hands at Work, unified with the local African church, to care for the dying, orphans, and widows by sharing the transforming love and hope that can only be found in Jesus. 

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Since returning home in mid-June, I have had the opportunity to share on a few occasions with the church congregation about my time in Africa.  I was eager to tell them about the incredible work that God continues to do through our brothers and sisters in Mcheneke.  I shared stories of children in the community who are being cared for by the care workers on a daily basis and who now have a voice because their names are known.  It is our privilege to partner with Hands at Work, unified with the local African church, to care for the dying, orphans, and widows by sharing the transforming love and hope that can only be found in Jesus.