Are You Willing?

Cat Levine never thought she would end up in Africa. To be honest, it wasn’t even on her radar. That changed one day when George Snyman, co-founder of Hands at Work in Africa, spoke at The Bridge Church in Venice, Florida. Cat wasn’t at church that Sunday, but over the next week, people from church asked her if she was going to go to Africa and see what Hands at Work is doing. When she finally saw the church bulletin and heard the recording of George’s message, she was challenged by three words: “Are you willing?” Cat says that was the first time in her life she truly felt called to do something.

Medically Caring for the Vulnerable

In February 2017, representatives from Ten Talents Foundation, Nurses for Africa and Hands at Work in Africa gathered for a weekend retreat in St. Louis, Missouri. The retreat agenda included opportunities for members of the three partner groups to build relationships; reach a clearer understanding of each other's missions; agree on their respective roles in preparing, hosting, debriefing and welcoming back NFA teams; and review practical steps and best practices to advance their individual and collective goals.

Hands at Work Youth

Hands at Work Youth started with the three eldest daughters of families all involved in Hands at Work.  As all three of us have been to Africa before, we have seen the way that youth can be impacted by Africa. We created Hands at Work Youth in hopes to encourage youth to focus their lives and actions on God's work in Africa.  We hope to share about the stories and needs in Africa to the youth and their families in our own communities.  Not only would Hands at Work Youth help send the teams there, but also become a support for when teams come back and face the sometimes difficult adjustments to their homes.

The Giving Jar

In June 2016, my family and I were able to visit my sister-in-law, Michelle, who is serving as a long-term volunteer in Zambia. We got the opportunity to see first hand what Hands at Work is doing in several communities in Zambia and in South Africa. After coming back, we shared our experience with our church family, Christ Church in San Francisco. The Lord laid it upon my heart to find a way to continue to connect our church to Hands at Work and for us to be engaged in giving with thanksgiving. 

And Then He Smiled

We drove to the care point to meet over 70 children for camp. It was a cool morning, but you wouldn't know with so much energy and life in one place. The children sat according to their assigned color teams, eager to start the day, giggling together. I was greeting my team, the green team, when I found Charles*. He was a small, shy boy. "How are you?" I asked. I could barely hear him say “good”. I touched his face as I spoke to him. "Smile" I asked, but he would not.

In my weakness, He is made strong

When Michelle Tom first traveled to Africa in May 2013 for a short mission’s trip to Malawi, she hoped to respond to the Biblical calling to serve the most vulnerable, but was overwhelmed by the love for God she witnessed in the most desolate African villages, and the community she observed among the people she met which was also warmly extended to her and her teammates.  

Walking Together

In May, five of us had the opportunity to travel from the US to South Africa, joining other volunteers from Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom for International Office Celebrations. It was a chance for us to be together in person, with each other and with the volunteers in South Africa. We met new faces, sat through several sessions and learned a lot from each other.

Holy Home Visits

Roger experienced his first Holy Home Visits in Zimba, Zambia in July 2014. As part of a short-term team with Sunset Church from San Francisco, he walked side-by-side with Care Workers visiting the poorest children in their village. Roger learned that the Care Workers visit the children to bring love and hope where there is much suffering and struggle. He learned that they visit the children because God first visited us.

Tea Party and Auction

Romina Chang is one member of a team from Sunset Church in San Francisco who recently traveled to serve for two weeks with Hands at Work in Zambia.  The team diligently prepared for their service with regular team meetings, prayer sessions, and by fundraising and advocating in their local and church community. Here Romina describes the team’s fundraiser—a tea party and auction!

George's Trip to the US

Fall is right around the corner, and it's a very exciting time for Hands at Work in the U.S. The Advocates are preparing for George Snyman, founder of Hands at Work, to visit the States this October.  It will be a time of fellowship, celebrating how God has moved in our lives, and focusing on God's call for us to care for children in Africa. Come join us!