Hands annual Family Celebrations

Later this month, a group of Hands at Work (Australia) representatives will be travelling to Zambia to attend the annual Hands at Work Family Celebration. Pastor Shane Lepp and Paul Latimer, from Whittlesea, VIC, as well as David, Carly and Emelia da Costa, from NSW, will be travelling to attend this week long conference.  We will be joined by about 200 members of the Hands at Work family, from communities across Africa as well as representatives from across the world. What an incredible opportunity to come together and celebrate all that God is doing through Hands at Work in Africa.  This is also an essential time for planning the year ahead and ensuring we have a shared common vision.
For those who pray, we appreciate your prayers for this time, for safe travels, for good health and for the conference time. There are many travelling from remote places in Africa, and visas and border crossings can be complicated processes. We’ll look forward to sharing with you all about our time in Zambia, once we return!