
illuminate... Under the Tree, Malawi

“On an unremarkable patch of land is the Kawaza Life Centre. A couple humble shelters, stand in defiance of the lush proud mountains in the distance. The sound of children laughing. Girls sing to the rhythm of a skipping rope. Boys play with a ball made from recycled plastic bags. From the shade under a tree, comes the heartfelt singing of a group of men and women.”

illuminate... Freedom in Mozambique

“The rumble of the motor under the seat – it all feels like freedom in a strange kind of way as you hold tight to the driver. You’re not the only one on the road as you roll through town. Every stand at the market seems to be selling the same vegetables as the last. The smell of frying fish is crossing the road while chickens scurry under the market tables looking for anything that may have fallen from the rough wood tables to the ground.”

illuminate... Gugu (South Africa)

“For food, we were suffering. That is why most of the time when we're having no food, we had to go to the Care Worker and asking for food because we ended up trusting her. They were not feeding at a Care Point like at our Care Points now, but they were giving food parcels every month. So they were giving us that food parcel that was such, like helping a lot.”

illuminate... Abigail (Zimbabwe)

“Everyone was expecting and thinking of the worst during those days. Every day the Care Workers would go out looking for her in the bush for those four days, looking for her. They went out everywhere, calling everyone that they could possibly know or anywhere she could have potentially gone and, they were also going to the police…”

illuminate... Mercy (Eswatini)

“Feeling like she had nothing else to lose, Mercy weighed her options and made a call to pick up her dusty grass mat, and a few other items, and walk out the weather-beaten door that leaked light and cold, but somehow held in the cooking smoke. The school bag was enough to carry what she needed. She hadn't been using it for school this year, due to the schools being closed for the pandemic….”