- momentum to continue following George's visit
- wisdom for the Board in identifying the people God wants to add on the management team
- that the people God wants at our 4 regional conferences will be challenged to make the decision to go
- that those who have captured the Hands vision and understand its DNA will be able to work together to get the message out to those who haven't yet heard it
- protection for all of the Board and partners from the inevitable opposition to their stand in being the hands and feet of Jesus
- as they stand for a way of living lives of radical love that is counter to their culture
- That God will give them open doors to many Churches to share the Hands vision
- That more volunteers who can give time will join the C/O
- Helping our volunteers who are returning to their countries in settling down
- They can continually be encouraged and strengthened in the work they do
- That their voices can be heard and be powerful when they speak to their local