One of our core value at Hands at Work is that we prioritize God, Family and then ministry. We believe family is important and is not to be neglected and that we can first show love and care for our family with God above all and then ministry follows. As we have many from overseas who are far from their families, we know it’s difficult many times for the families and those who have left their families. Distance might not be the only difficulty, but also understanding of God’s call to the individuals might not be understood by some and cause problems and difficulties within the family.
Please pray:
- That God can put to light any misunderstanding and give understanding to the families we left behind.
- That unsolved problems and issues between families can be solved and restored.
- For salvation for our unbelieving family members
- That in no way can we neglect our family
- Pray also for strength and encouragement for many at Hands whose families are far away
- Pray for Busi who just lost her sister in an accident
- And lastly pray for wisdom for us that in all that we do, we may live and act in the will of God.