Prayer Requests - November 2018

As Hands at Work looks toward the end of the year, we invite you to praise God for all He has done in 2018 and pray in earnest expectation for all He will do in 2019. 

- Thank God for our local volunteer Care Workers who give their time, energy and resources to serve the most vulnerable children across Africa. Pray for renewed energy and committment as they enter into 2019.

- Throughout 2018, Hands at Work started serving in several new communities and were able to increase the number of the children that we are caring for in many of our communities across Africa. Praise God for the generosity of our partners which enables us to extend the reach of our care. Pray for each child coming to the Care Point to feel loved and accepted.

- Please pray for our children over the Christmas Holidays as this season adds an additional level of vulnerability for our children in the community. Pray for God to protect and provide for them.

- As the Regional Support Teams in South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe plan, prepare and dream for 2019, ask God to give them wisdom and discernment.

- In the middle of October, there was a gathering of African leaders and international volunteers from across Africa. Praise God for the way that He ministered and spoke deeply into the hearts of each person attending. 

- Praise God for the teams and visitors who came to serve with Hands at Work in 2018. Thank God for the transformation that has taken place in the lives of each person who came. Ask God to prepare the hearts and minds of each person who will be coming to Africa in 2019. 

- People within Hands at Work travel many miles on a regular basis to serve the most vulnerable. Praise God for His protection and faithfulness.

- As several of our volunteers travel from Africa to their home countries for Christmas, pray that their time will be restful as they enjoy quality time with their families.