Day 27 - Youth Leaders

Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. – 1 Timothy 4:12

While some of our most vulnerable youth have found purpose in increasing their involvement at our Care Points by helping prepare and serve food or caring for younger children, others struggle with the constant draw surrounding them to unhealthy lifestyles and relationships. Hands at Work longs to invest in our youth and see them grow into healthy adults who love Jesus and desire to bring hope to their community. Pray for the senior leaders who are role models to these young adults, and pray that their lives speak louder than their words.


Nadin (front right in pink) grew up in the community of Toyota in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Having seen and experienced the Care Workers’ investment into her life over the years, she wanted to give back to others in her community.

Today Nadin is a member of the dedicated team of Care Workers caring for children in Toyota.
