Praying for Our Youth

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. – 1 Timothy 4:12

One of the most significant impacts of the COVID pandemic in Africa is the closure of schools, which has stripped children of a healthy routine of learning and structure to occupy their days. This is a particular challenge for adolescents and teenagers as they search for meaning and belonging. While some of our most vulnerable youth have found purpose in increasing their involvement at our Care Points by helping prepare and serve food or caring for younger children, others struggle with the constant draw around them to unhealthy lifestyles and relationships.

  • Thank God for those youth who are becoming more involved at their Care Points. Pray that they will continue to seek ways to serve the Care Workers and the other children.

  • Pray for the youth who have been a part of youth camps and intentional discipleship programmes. Pray that they will continue to seek Christ and have the courage to share what they have learned with the other youth in their community.

  • Pray for our youth who are struggling, not only in their relationship with God but in their ability to make healthy life choices. Pray that they will experience the love of God and understand the implications that these choices have on their future.

  • Ask God to fill each member of the local Hands at Work teams across Africa with wisdom and a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit as they spend time with the youth. Pray that, together with the Care Workers, they will be a source of hope and encouragement as the youth experience many challenges in their communities.