Praying for Hands at Work’s International Offices

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. – Galations 6:9

Hands at Work has International Offices across the world, comprised of men and women who are committed to living out their calling to serve the most vulnerable in their home countries. Today we invite you to join us in interceding on their behalf. 


A number of UK teams who have not been able to travel to Africa this year are fundraising for Community Investment Projects. Pray that this will be a success and that it will help them feel connected to the communities that they partner with Hands at Work to support, even though they can’t travel. 

North America

Pray for wisdom as Hands at Work in Canada and the US navigate travel restrictions within their own countries, but also crossing International borders. There is a team due to travel from North America to Zambia in September. Pray for God’s favour in making a way for this team to come.  

Pray for some upcoming gatherings of advocates and partners: two in the US on the West coast (in the San Francisco Bay Area in August) and East coast (in Maryland and New York in September), and one in Edmonton, Canada (in October). Pray for the logistical and spiritual preparation that goes into planning these gatherings.  

Pray for the role of our International Offices in spurring on our advocates, especially those partners who haven't been to Africa in a while or even at all because of the pandemic. Also pray for those advocates who need encouragement to keep Hands at Work in the forefront of their minds.

Pray for the upcoming online gathering of the International Offices on July 29th. Pray for their time together to be impactful and that much fruit would come from it.