Day 3 – My Life

I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me. They replied, “Let us start rebuilding.” So, they began this good work. – Nehemiah 2:18

Over the years, men and women from around the world have answered the call to serve the most vulnerable alongside George and Carolyn and Hands at Work. Each one of us is a part of this, whether it is your first time joining us for 40 Days of Prayer, you’ve come on a team, are part of a partner church, volunteer your time in your home country or have committed your life to serving in Africa. We all have a story to tell. Today, spend time reflecting on your life. Thank God for His faithfulness. Pray for a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and a willingness to see and hear all that He wants to show you.

My Life: Joyce, a Care Worker in Malakota Community, Zambia

“I became a Care Worker because that’s what God calls us to do. Many children have no mother or father. I want to comfort them. It is good to be Jesus’ servant.”
