First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people.
- 1 Timothy 2:1
For three years, Diego has attended the Mcheneke Life Centre in Malawi, where he is cared for and loved by Care Workers who know his name and are committed to all aspects of his wellbeing. He has two younger sisters who also attend the Life Centre. Though he is 14-years-old, Diego is only in the 5th grade. Before his family was discovered by the Care Worker team, life was unstable. He rarely attended school and struggled to learn in his classes. Care Worker Mtisunge committed herself to Diego’s family, becoming a friend to his mother and stepfather, and helping them work through their own pain and personal struggles. Mtisunge also supported Diego in his recommitment to school, where he is now catching up on his studies and particularly enjoys learning more of his native language Chichewa. Diego’s mother says the support and friendship have helped give life to their family.
Today we encourage you to take time to pray for Diego and the other children who you know by name.