Please Pray for Swaziland

  • For the children who are under the loving care of ASB ... that they see and believe the Lord in Home Visits and provisions
  • Rain for the fields sown with maize that provides staple food for the OVC’s ... so far it is not good ...
  • For the Care Workers, who are mostly OLD women, to have the Lords perspective of caring for the children
  • Discerning for Nomsa and Board of Servants as they make plans for Income Generation Activity
  • For Mk who is keeping books, documentation and reporting ... His relationship with the Lord and his fellow workers

Pray for Zimbabwe

  • We are trusting God for a piece of land for a care centre, budgets have been approved  but the city council now seem to be delaying the process, please pray that they will be able to do their job and that the land will be released to us and construction will begin.
  • We have also moved from where we were meeting and feeding our Children to a council run place, we also need favour with this as they can complicate things.
  • We are moving into a new area, Honde Valley, Pray for  favour with the Local chiefs and all involved.
  • Pray for the Children Of Zimbabwe, school is still one of the biggest challenges for it has been not running smoothly due to  mass strikes buy teachers who need to be paid a bit more and the government cannot afford …Most children have been out of School because their parents cannot afford the school fees which is paid in either $US or The SA rand.
  • For our Care workers who are striving everyday to reach out to the children when they themselves are facing the very same challenges, pray for renewed strength.

George's visit to the UK (16-31 Jan)

  • that existing partnerships will be cemented and church leaders will see more of the Hands vision
  • that new partnerships will be established as a result of his visit
  • that logistics will run smoothly
  • that he will be kept safe and strong as he travels
  • for George to hear God and bring a word in season wherever he goes

Please also pray for all members, partners and friends of Hands UK, especially that God will raise up key people to serve on our management team.

Regional Support Team

In the coming year Hands at work will be starting Regional Support Teams to support service centres in different regions throughout Africa.  We believe this will help us reach out and support the service centres better as more Hands at Work staff are placed closer to the service centres.  The first Regional Support Team will be supporting service centres in DRC, Zambia and Malawi and will be based in the copper belt region of Zambia. 

Please pray for the new Regional Support Team who will be moving to Zambia.  We are very excited about their new role in supporting the work in DRC, Malawi, and  Zambia.  They are a diverse group, with gifts and skills in OVC care, income-generating activities, agriculture, maintenance, empowering communities, carpentry, finance, and hospitality.  But more importantly, we appreciate them for who they are and their obedience to God in this situation.  We thank God for each of them:

Please pray for safe travel for those who are moving to Zambia from South Africa; for good health for all of them, and especially the children; that God will bind them together in unity as a team; and against any attacks of the enemy.

Prayer Requests for Zambia


  • Praise God for our new bookkeeper, Mary, in Luanshya Service Centre.  Pray that Mary will feel comfortable in the office and on the team.
  • Please pray for the upcoming training of Church leaders at Kachele Farm.  That the leaders will understand the Biblical mandate to care for the vulnerable in their communities and take action in response to God’s call.
  • Praise God for Samuel and Juliet Zulu and their family, who have moved to Kachele Farm.  Pray for the maize that is currently being planted, that the project will be successful and support food security for many of God’s most vulnerable children.


  • Praise God for our new administrator Trina in the Service Centre!   Pray that Trina will learn quickly and enjoy her new role.
  • Praise God for a vehicle that was donated by Kangaruh Foundation.
  • Please pray for training for care workers happening now in a few communities, that they will feel encouraged in the work they are doing.


Continuing in Prayer

  • George has left for Canada and USA to go and share the vision of Hands at Work and to meet churches and new people who could engage with us in reaching out to the vulnerable. We are trusting God to open the right doors and to open people’s hearts and minds, we believe it’s a calling on all Christians to show compassion to the poor and vulnerable.
  • We have a number of new volunteers who have come to work with us, would you please pray with us as we send them to different communities and African countries where life is not as comfortable, food might not be their usual and the life is very different. We pray they may be strengthened and encouraged to reach out and touch the lives of many children. Please pray also for their health and further more that God can just be their comfort and minister to them as they play this important role of caring and showing love to God’s children.
  • Morgan, one of our family members who works in the Canada office is not feeling well and is undergoing tests, please pray God can heal her and give her much peace.