Prayer for this week

Please continue to pray with us for the following prayer points:

  • The Nigeria celebration on the 20th and 21st of May, which is the last one left
  • For wisdom for our leaders who continually make decisions and always seeking His way
  • For continual fire to burn through the hearts of all Hands Family around the world
  • For growth, new volunteers to come in
  • And for God’s anointing on the work of our Hands, the work in the offices as well as in the fields  

Hands Family

Please continue to pray for the Hands Family

  • God may continue to strengthen each one who is playing a part in the work
  • Keep us healthy as many are working in places that are unhygienic, slums as well as working with many sick people.
  • God given wisdom as we expand and go into new areas, direction on which way to go.
  • The grace to be full of compassion, love, kindness and patience as we work together

Lagos Nigeria

Please pray with us

  • That the Lord by Himself should Motivate and Encourage ALL our CBO coordinators as we can beginning to notice decline in their Zeal and Enthusiasms  towards the HBC works in their respective communities, actions and results are getting dwindled over the period.
  • We are about to enter into 2 new poorest of the poor communities name OWOROSONKI & MAKOKO, please pray that the Lord should prepare and raise faithful care workers Planning and running around for the Conference should be problem free as we meet with service providers the Lord should give us favour
  • The Conference should produce divine direction for Nigerian projects and be successful
  • We are about to search and engage basic qualified teachers for our schools, we want the Lord to choose for us.

Standing in Prayer for Hands at Work Family

Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58

Please Pray:

  • God may continue to strengthen each one who is playing a part in the work
  • Keep us healthy as many are working in places that are unhygienic, slums as well as working with many sick people.
  • God given wisdom as we expand and go into new areas, direction on which way to go.
  • The grace to be full of compassion, love, kindness and patience as we work together.

Prayer for Lagos Service Center (Nig)

  • That the Lord by Himself should Motivate and Encourage ALL our CBO coordinators.
  • We are about to move into 2 new poorest of the poor communities name OWOROSONKI & MAKOKO that the Lord should prepare and raise faithful care workers and lead us even lead to us "Mother Teresa" as we shall be going in to start work in matter of days.
  • Planning and running around for the Conference should be problem free as we meet with service providers the Lord should give us favor
  • The Conference should produce divine direction for Nigerian projects and be successful
  • We are about to search and engage basic qualified teachers for our schools, we want the Lord to choose for us.

Conference 2010

Our yearly conference has drawn close by as those who are organizing it, are working hard that everything can go well without any troubles. These conferences play a big part as all Hands at Work family gather together and again strengthen the dream that has been born as well as strengthen and encourage one another. We speak of our achievements, our struggles as well as what we striving for. We pray together and stand together and believe in miracles together. This year we took a different approach as we have divided the conference to four concentrated regions rather than our normal one huge conference which we do in South Africa yearly. We believe this is what the Lord has for us and we trust we can reach each one who is working hard in the fields as well as that our friends and family from around the world could meet with the African family.

Please pray:

  • Hearts to be prepared for all those coming
  • God to be in each detail as we don’t want to rely on man’s wisdom
  • As we continue to develop our model, for God to give us wisdom and help us in developing it
  • For all those travelling from far, for safe journey
  • For one heart and that the enemy won’t find any open door to come in
  • As we do regional conference for the first time, pray that everything can just flow smoothly