40 Days of Prayer

Hands at Work in Africa is asking you to join with us in 40 days of prayer for orphans.  This is only a suggested guide.  This time of prayer will coincide with our multiple Hands at Work Regional conferences that are happening all over Africa.  If some faithful members can meet daily, so much the better, but if not, do not let that discourage you.  Pray alone if necessary and meet whenever possible.  Know that many across the globe are joining you daily, together in agreement in prayer.  Gather 2 or 3 (or more) people in a home or a church or anywhere and the Lord will be with you and hear your prayers.  Matthew 18:20, "For wherever two or more are gathered in my name, I am with them, in their midst."  

 The most important part is to commit to praying daily!

Thank you for choosing to join us on this 40 day journey in prayer starting Monday, 15 March, 2010.  Please keep in mind our conference theme, NOW IS THE TIME, LIVE IT OUT, "So that the poor have hope and injustice shuts its mouth."  Job 5:16


Pray for DRC

  • For the Hands relationship with Esperance HBC (home based care).  May the Lord lead leaders to servanthood to the kids of Likasi
  • For team dynamics among the team in Likasi as they stretch to reach new areas in and around Likasi and further to Kolwezi.
  • For Hands’ registration in a country rife with corruption and excessive bureaucracy
  • For new church partnerships, community ownership and compassionate care workers as we expand into new areas in Likasi.

Pray Our Country Offices

  • momentum to continue following George's visit
  • wisdom for the Board in identifying the people God wants to add on the management team
  • that the people God wants at our 4 regional conferences will be challenged to make the decision to go
  • that those who have captured the Hands vision and understand its DNA will be able to work together to get the message out to those who  haven't yet heard it
  • protection for all of the Board and partners from the inevitable opposition to their stand in being the hands and feet of Jesus
  • as they stand for a way of living lives of radical love that is counter to their culture
  • That God will give them open doors to many Churches to share the Hands vision
  • That more volunteers who can give time will join the C/O
  • Helping our volunteers who are returning to their countries in settling down  
  • They can continually be encouraged and strengthened in the work they do
  • That their voices can be heard and be powerful when they speak to their local

Kabwe (Zam)

  • Pray for us that we have wisdom and strength to come and handle the teams that God has give us this year, 2010.
  • Join us in praying for individuals, partners or churches that can have keen interest to support Agape CBO (Community Based Organization) for the 3 Essential Services: Basic Heath Care, Education and Food in this community since our campaign is for $15 per child per month in order to provide a quality care for these children.
  • Our care workers also need more prayers from you for the work they are doing is so challenging.
  • Pease pray for all our care workers to be motivated and full of compassion and not grow weary in what they are doing.




We thank God for the work he is doing in DRC, Last year we established the work in Toyota, a primary school and a home based care. It’s truly amazing to see how God has been with us throughout and I things are going well.

Please pray for DRC that:

  • For wisdom and understanding for Eric Rukang and all those involved and running the service center there for the way forward and breakthroughs needed.
  • As they will be breaking into new areas, that care and support can be given to the children there and that they can find willing volunteers.
  • God can move people and churches in different areas to show compassion on behalf of these broken children who are orphaned and vulnerable as we are challenging them.
  • We need also a prayer support on this new step we are about to take to go in the other areas where Esperance is operating to help the children in great need and we need the favor of God so that Esperance leaders can understand what are our intentions in implementing the 3 essential services and community ownership in every area of Likasi.


Please join us in prayer for SA service centers, (Clau-Clau and Bushbuckridge)

  • For our children who are the reason why each one of us is doing what we are doing. As this year begins, schools are opening; to them this might not mean a thing. They need hope, love and endurance and through Christ we can offer them that.
  • We are trusting God for a Field Coordinator for Clau Clau Service Center and the Service Center Coordinator for Bushbuckridge.
  • We have the Prime Care Givers’ Training running for our grannies. Pray that these training will be a platform where the grannies connect with God and with one another, that their strength in caring for the children will be renewed as they learn new communication skills and how to deal with traumatized children.
  • For the buying and distribution of school uniforms to our children. That this will be the time of bonding between volunteers and children.
  • For the water problems in BBR that God will give us wisdom in dealing government officials knowing what to do as far as boreholes are concerned
  • For the expansion of Hands to new communities (in BBR area and along the Swaziland Border- Oshoek)
  • For the teams and volunteers coming to work with our CBO in January and February.