Praying for Orphans

Today, pray specifically for any orphans you may know, by name.  Pray for their health and safety. Pray for their food and shelter. Pray that they will be brought into loving families who will provide for education.
Ask the Lord to help your church family to live out Proverbs 31:8 “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.” 
Pray to “the Lord of the harvest” (Matt. 9:38) to send laborers to the harvest from your church and community. Ask Him to call Christians to go to the “fields of the fatherless” (Proverbs 23:10) to experience the joy of caring for orphans as we are commanded in Isaiah a:16,17, “Give up your wicked ways. Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the orphan. Fight for the rights of widows.”
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and undefiled is this.  To care for the orphan and widow in their distress and keep oneself unstained by the world."  James 1:27

Change of Season

The change of seasons here in Africa is very abrupt. From one moment looking for a heater to get your house warm and the next day unpacking your fan because it’s too hot. Although it’s a change of season in the natural, it’s a clear feeling here at the Hub (Hands at Work offices) that there is also a change of season and a feeling of something new and fresh. The new volunteers have started with their orientation, a lot of people travelling in the next week and changes in the next month as some of our stuff are finishing off their time and going back home and George also preparing to go the USA, UK, Canada and Puerto-Rico to visit new churches and existing partners.

Please join us in prayer:

  • With many people travelling in the next week, pray for safety on the roads and for God’s leading.
  • Pray for George as he prepares to travel soon and speak to new churches.
  • Please also pray strength and health for us working at the Hands Hub.
  • Pray for the different projects we are working on as we need God’s wisdom in everything.
  • Pray for the new volunteers that they can just find the peace of God and feel that this is where they should be at this moment. Pray they can just feel part of the family here.
  • Lastly please pray that as a family we can continue to be of the same heart, and that the Hands vision can be solidly planted in our hearts.

Now is Her Time - Prayer for Goma, DRC

George received many scriptures for Goma from around the world with one message. We feel God is asking us to pray NOW for Goma for this is her time. Download Scriptures Here.

Children in streets of burned down village.Hands at Work in Africa founder George Snyman is in Goma, DRC this week. You have heard about Goma: it’s the war-ravaged region in north-eastern DRC where millions have died, suffered mass rapes, and been driven from their homes into refugee camps. The war was recently declared over, and the camps have been closed. People are streaming back to burned and destroyed villages, trying to figure out how to start re-building. This is the time for Hands at Work to get involved. The situation remains unstable; division and suspicion within communities are rife. But we are committed to reaching the poorest of the poor, and right now that’s in Goma. Now is the time to be there. 

Please pray for George. Pray for wisdom, for guidance to find the local people burning with compassion, and for the right village to establish a model of local churches collaborating to serve the most vulnerable orphans and widows with basic care.

Read on...

South Africa/Swaziland RST and DRC service centre

South Africa/ Swaziland Regional Support Team:

  • As their new year starts on October 1st, please pray as they plan for the next year
  • Pray for wisdom and guidance
  • Also pray they focus on the well-being of the children always as first priority
  • Pray also for unity on the regional team


  • God’s leading as they expand into new areas
  • Wisdom as they take new steps and make changes in the service centre
  • Pray that they may find the right people with the same heart as they look for new stuff
  • For God’s peace, guidance and humility in everything

Pray For the Care Workers

‘Eph 2:10’ “We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do  good works, which he prepared in advance for us to do.”

  • Pray that they may not grow weary
  • Pray that they may reflect God’s love always and touch the lives of the people they visit
  • Pray God can use them and give them words as they comfort many patients
  • Pray that their families can support them and be of the same spirit
  • Pray for their health

Pray for Germany, SouthAfrica and USA Offices


  • Help the newly formed office to connect with the right people (committed churches and individuals). 
  • Pray for Bernard and Julia as they prepare to come with a small team of key people to South Africa where they can learn and take the vision back with them.
  • Pray for the church in Germany and strong relationships to be built between the communities in Africa and those taking up supporting them financially and prayerfully.
  • Pray for their planned website launch of Peppercorn Foundation. 

 South Africa and USA:

  • For South Africa pray for more volunteers and workers in the country office to help support Rob and Lanese Gibbs.
  • And for the USA please pray as they prepare for Georges trip, that it can be fruitful.