Pray for Australia and UK Offices


  • for the establishment of the new hub in Whittlesea which will meet weekly with our leaders and local support workers.
  • pray for increasing volunteer numbers under each area of leadership.
  • Please also pray for the health of our team as it is winter and colds and flu are everywhere.


  • Pray for George’s trip in October/November and the UK gathering at the end of October.
  • Pray for the Arise + Build Campaign for broader acceptance.
  • Pray for the availability of key people to help build momentum in preparation of George’s visit.

Pray for Canada Office

  • For unity within the Hands Canada office
  • For direction on teams this year
  • For continued success in recruiting mid-term volunteers
  • Pray for clarity, unity, and discernment for our upcoming projects
  • November conference in Calgary
  • Give thanks for each of our Canadian board members/volunteers and pray for renewed strength for each of them

Praying for our families

One of our core value at Hands at Work is that we prioritize God, Family and then ministry. We believe family is important and is not to be neglected and that we can first show love and care for our family with God above all and then ministry follows. As we have many from overseas who are far from their families, we know it’s difficult many times for the families and those who have left their families. Distance might not be the only difficulty, but also understanding of God’s call to the individuals might not be understood by some and cause problems and difficulties within the family.

Please pray:

  • That God can put to light any misunderstanding and give understanding to the families we left behind.
  • That unsolved problems and issues between families can be solved and restored.
  • For salvation for our unbelieving family members
  • That in no way can we neglect our family
  • Pray also for strength and encouragement for many at Hands whose families are far away
  • Pray for Busi who just lost her sister in an accident
  • And lastly pray for wisdom for us that in all that we do, we may live and act in the will of God.

Prayer for Service Centers

  • That God gives wisdom to the leaders of each service center.
  • That grace and compassion of God can continue to be outworking so that they may show the same compassion.
  • Wisdom for Kabwe Service Center as they host a team from Grace Church this July.
  • Pray also for Grace’s Church team member Mandi who injured her knee and needs surgery.
  • Pray that sickness can be kept away, pray for Moses from Kabwe who has been sick for a few months to get well.
  • Pray for strength
  • Pray also for unity and team work
  • And lastly pray that the work that has been entrusted in their hands can be fully done with joy and willing hearts.

Asondle Sive BoMake Swaziland

Not too long back Nomsa’s husband passed away. Nomsa runs and is in charge of the Asondle Sive Bomake service centre in Swaziland. She is well known for her love and welcoming heart that makes everyone feel at home. She has welcomed orphans into her house and treated them as her own and she is such an example for all Hands family to follow.

When her husband who had been fully supportive and stood with her through everything passed away, It was great sorrow for all Hands family and even for the whole community in Swaziland, people from all over came because they had known of the fruits of this great man. It helped unite the community and we believe there was a peace that was present during the funeral and even now.

Please join us in prayer for Asondle Sive BoMake Swaziland:

  • Changes are needed over the next months for Nomsa ... a new season
  • Changes are needed over the next months for Care Workers
  • Higher level of care for children
  • Relationship between Samantha and Nomsa to be sweet and solid (Samantha joined us this year and was willing to help the work in Swaziland)


He alone is faithful

God is faithful. He does what He promises to do. Moreover, because God is faithful, we dare have courage to trust Him and His promises."He is faithful that promised" (Heb. 10:23).

Today we pray:

  • For the Nigerian celebration starting tomorrow,  that the presence of God can be there
  • For the Carpentry team to find contract work on the outside in order to generate more income for the work Hands at Work is doing.
  • For two project accountant for the Hands at Work Hub
  • For Kelvin, our funds in trust manager, who will be writing his exams on Tuesday next week. He has volunteered with Hands at Work and is partially finishing his studies
  • For more people to be added into the family as work is increasing immensely.