Day 11 - The Local Church

All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. - Acts 2:44-45

The vision of Hands at Work is to see the local church in Africa recognise the Biblical mandate to care for the most vulnerable and to take ownership in their communities. As Hands at Work challenges the local church, pray that they will respond with grace, humility and love. Pray that in response, there will be an outpouring of compassion and generosity to the most vulnerable in their community. Pray for the church to be a place of safety where the most vulnerable can come, knowing that they will be accepted and will encounter the hope of Christ. Pray for Hands at Work’s leaders as they try to mobilise more local churches to support the work in their communities.

"We are the body of Christ and believe that together with men and woman like Idah, churches around the world are called to join together in caring for those in need.

Through prayer and advocacy and the sending of teams, volunteers and resources to support the work on the ground, the International Church is an integral part of the Hands at Work vision."


Day 10 - Climate Change

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. – Hebrews 10:23

For the last several years, Africa has experienced an increase in natural disasters such as droughts and cyclones. With few means to gain additional security for when a crisis does come, the most vulnerable are the ones most significantly impacted by these disasters. Pray for Hands at Work’s leaders to have the wisdom and discernment needed to address these challenges and be able to put a plan in place, so that when crises happen we can respond quickly and effectively. Ask God to give comfort, peace and protection to the most vulnerable families.

The Kabwe region in Zambia has been hit hard with drought over a number of years. The newly constructed borehole in Miswa community provides Care Workers with hope that their crop will have a sufficient water source to be plentiful this year. A good harvest means they can both support their families this season and put some aside for the coming year.



Day 9 - COVID-19 Pandemic

‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.’ - John 14:27

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Africa, the vulnerability of those living in communities served by Hands at Work significantly increased. Through our ministry of home-based care and in providing central places – known as Care Points – for children to gather in daily to access essential services, Hands at Work continues to reach out. Ask God to give Hands at Work wisdom and guidance as we continue to serve our children and pray for peace for those who are living in fear.

When the government tells you to observe social distancing and you live in a remote village in Mozambique, how can you help your community to apply the rules? 16-year-old Joseph* took it upon himself to try and find a solution to help protect the children who attend the Care Point in Chigodole, Mozambique.

Read more:


Day 8 – Corruption

Surely oppression drives the wise into madness, and a bribe corrupts the heart. - Ecclesiastes 7:7

In many of the poorest countries across Africa, corruption exists at each layer of society, creating an even wider gap between justice and oppression for those in need. Ask God to change the hearts of those causing harm and oppression. Pray that they will experience the truth of the gospel and the desire to make a change. Pray for Godly men and women in the communities we serve to protect our grannies and children against corruption.


Day 7 - Childhood Marriage

But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.’ - Isaiah 43:1

For girls as young as 12 who live in the poorest of the poor communities, the fear that one day they will be forced into an early marriage is a common reality. While this practice is not new, Hands at Work has seen it increase sharply due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as families are desperate to have some sense of financial security. Pray for Godly men and women to have the courage to speak on behalf of these girls. Pray for each girl who has been a victim of childhood marriage to experience healing, restoration and hope for the future.

"One evening, however, someone spotted her, someone that looked like Abigail*, hiding in an abandoned hut and Jane and Sarah went and slept in the bush in the area that they suspected Abigail would be found hiding. And indeed, they found Abigail there in the middle of the night."

Today we invite you to re-listen to one of our Illuminate podcasts, where we highlight the vulnerability of African girls like Abigail and how local Hands at Work teams from across Africa are committed to advocating on their behalf.
