Day 34 - Your Relationship with Jesus

‘I have swept away your offences like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you.’ – Isaiah 44:22

Today we encourage you to stop and reflect on God’s goodness and faithfulness in your life. Pray in thanksgiving for the way that God has carried you through seasons of wilderness and pray that God will expose the painful and hurting areas of your heart that are preventing you from fully surrendering to Him. As we look towards Holy Week, take time to prepare your heart for what Christ’s death and resurrection means for you.


Day 33 - Someone You Know

‘Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.’ – John 15:13

Around the world there are thousands of people who have not experienced the transformational love and hope of Christ in their own lives. Today, we invite you to pray for someone in your life who doesn’t know Jesus or is struggling and in desperate need of God’s love. Pray for the words of John 15:13 to come alive in their lives. Pray that they will encounter God’s love and that, as they do, they will be a witness to His goodness and faithfulness.

As you pray for someone in your life who doesn't know Jesus, or who is struggling and in desperate need of God's love, we invite you to think of ways that you can bring encouragement to them today. Let them know that they are not alone in their challenges.


Day 32 - Relationships between Care Workers and Hands at Work

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. – 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Today we invite you to pray for the relationships between volunteer Care Workers and Hands at Work. Pray for Hands at Work to have wisdom in knowing how to support the Care Workers, and pray that these relationships will continue to grow, be rooted in the love of Christ and be filled with love and service.


Local Hands at Work teams across Africa regularly meet with the coordinators of the Community Based Organisations to deepen their relationships and to discuss ways in which, together, they can continually grow in their ability to serve the most vulnerable.


Day 31 - Community Living

All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. – Acts 4:32

Across Africa, Hands at Work volunteers live in multi-cultural communities, reflective of our Father’s vision for interdependence and Kingdom Culture. While living in community isn’t always easy, we believe that in order for us to effectively serve the most vulnerable in the poorest of the poor communities, we must learn what it means to serve and honour one another. Ask God to build a community of people willing to look to other’s needs first and to recognise our own cultural blind spots. Pray for Christ to remain the foundation of our communities as we grow in vulnerability, love and generosity.


Day 29 - Holy Home Visits

We love because he first loved us. – 1 John 4:19

The core of a Holy Home Visit is in what Christ has done for us. It is recognising the state of brokenness in which He found us, and then understanding the call that He has given for us to help find others. Visiting families in their homes is one of the key ways that we can identify what is happening below the surface. Pray that, together with the Care Workers, we will be bold in sharing the gospel and that, in everything we do, we will be attentive to the guiding of the Holy Spirit. Pray against any fear people may have in visiting or allowing people to visit them.

We read in scripture about how and why Jesus came into the world not only to fulfill what was written, but to bring a message of hope and peace to all who would receive him.
