Hands at Work UK is supporting a new community!

Waiting in line at Chinyausunzi Community, Zimbabwe

Waiting in line at Chinyausunzi Community, Zimbabwe

Chinyausunzi can be found within the greater community of Sakubva, in the town of Mutare in the east of Zimbabwe, close to the Mozambique border. The many one-roomed homes in this community were originally built for migrant industrial workers but now house multiple generations of families, leading to massive overcrowding and very poor sanitation. Extremely high levels of unemployment and high rates of HIV/AIDS, TB and infection within Chinyausunzi have a devastating impact on the thousands of families who can barely afford food for a single day, let alone clinic fees.

The Chinyausunzi CBO was started in 2016, after Care Workers from the nearby, existing Sakubva CBO realised that some of the children were walking long distances to get to the Care Point. Chinyausunzi was established on the other side of the community and now cares for 150 of the most vulnerable children, led by Care Worker Florence.

Although Hands at Work in Africa has been in Zimbabwe for many years, this is a new country for Hands at Work UK to be partnering with and we are looking forward to bringing you more news and updates from Chinyausunzi in the new year.