Diversity Day at Wolgarston

Diversity Day at Wolgarston High School is organised to take place in the summer term each year and its aim is to bring the students into contact with a wide range of activities and talks from a variety of cultures.

As we have a link with the community of Mafambisa in South Africa, we thought it would be helpful to ask Hands at Work to come in and talk about the lives of the children and their families in communities like Mafambisa to help our students understand their situation better. Over the years, we’ve been lucky enough to have Jane and David Newsome lead these sessions and be willing to answer questions from the students.

Hundreds of students have developed a better understanding as a result and this has gone on to help us with our fundraising, because the students know where their money is going and how it will be used to improve the lives of the children in Mafambisa. For the last few years we have also been lucky enough to arrange Zoom calls with the Hub in South Africa, which has brought a whole new dimension to things and provided an even better feeling of connection between those at Wolgarston who took part, and Hands at Work.