UK International Volunteers

An update on what our international long-term volunteers from the UK are doing this year, and how you can be praying for them.

Chris and Jo Poulsom

Chris and Jo have spent the last five years volunteering in South Africa and, from March, will spend their sixth year in Zambia, helping to establish a Hands at Work base in the Kabwe area. Chris will continue with his financial responsibilities as well as picking up some new roles, and Jo will be supporting Care Workers in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as well as keeping her existing roles.

The Poulsoms' two children, Riana and Barney, are off on their own adventures! Riana is working with Christian Youth Enterprises in the UK, and Barney, after completing school in December, is making plans to spend time with a church in the US and with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in Australia.

We can pray for them as a family as they are spread across the world, and pray for Chris and Jo as they settle into Kabwe and build community there.

Catherine Clarkson

Catherine shares: “After serving with our International Offices and partners for the past 12 years, 2023 is going to look a bit different as I begin serving in new areas. My role this year will be working within our operations across Hands at Work and one of my responsibilities will be ensuring the well-being of the Hands at Work footprint across Africa. Having started a little of this work in 2022, this is likely to mean lots of travel across our countries, digging into the policies and procedures which guide, support and protect our work, ensuring we stay faithful to our call and DNA, and providing support for some of the behind-the-scenes operations which every ministry needs to have in place! It’s always hard to say exactly how the year will unfold, but I’m excited and willing to serve wherever God chooses to lead me. 

A couple of ways you can pray for me are for safety and good health as I travel through Africa – especially around malaria protection, and also that I would be courageous yet dependent as I serve where God would place me. Here’s to a great year ahead!”

Tommy and Morgan Malster

We are really excited for Tommy (UK volunteer) and his wife Morgan (Canadian volunteer) and their 5-year-old son Finnley, who have just welcomed their second child, Nora. After 13 years of living in South Africa and Zambia, the family travelled back to Canada and plan to stay there for the next season. We can pray for the Malsters as they settle into new rhythms and spend time with their Canadian family and friends. We can also pray for Finnley as he starts a new school, and give thanks for the arrival of baby Nora.

Dan and Jen Waspe

Dan and Jen Waspe are in their 14th year serving in Africa with Hands at Work. After spending the last seven months of 2022 in the Kabwe Service Centre in Zambia, Dan and Jen, along with their children, have moved back to the Hub in South Africa. Jen’s roles include heading up the hospitality team, and a new role supporting the Regional Support Team in the Mutare Service Centre in Zimbabwe. Dan’s roles include supporting the Management Team and a new role on the Communications Team. The boys continue to love the outdoor life and excel in sports, and Buhle has started in Grade R (Reception year). Dan and Jen became official guardians for Buhle last year.

We can pray for the Waspe family as they adjust to life back at the Hub, and pray for Dan and Jen as they start in their new roles. We can also pray for the children as they continue with school, for travel, and successful and speedy visa renewals.

If you would like to find out about how you can support any of our volunteers, please contact