Thank You Hands at Work UK!

Thanks to the swift and generous response from many of you in Hands at Work UK, the vulnerable children at the Care Point in Buhimba in the Democratic Republic of Congo can continue to receive the holistic care, love and safety that is offered by a Hands at Work Life Centre.

Buhimba is a community in the DRC close to Goma, in the north of the country, which has suffered so much from the effects of the ongoing war in that area. Buhimba itself is not in the war zone so families have not had to flee to refugee camps, as has been the case for many of our children, but the ongoing war still has an impact on the vulnerability and the safety of the children in that area.

The land on which the Buhimba Care Point was built was owned by a good Christian man who had huge compassion for the children and supported the work that Hands at Work was doing in the area. He allowed Hands at Work to rent the land for a token $5 a month, and the Care Point became a place where 120 children were fed, felt safe, and were able to play and be well-cared for.

Sadly the landowner died, and his widow faced large medical bills. The local Hands at Work team negotiated with his brother, who initially asked for $15,000 for the purchase of the land, but eventually, knowing how important Hands at Work was to his brother, agreed on $10,000.

When our Hands at Work UK WhatsApp groups were told of this situation, offers of money poured in and the money for the purchase of the land at Buhimba was pledged in about two hours! It was very moving to receive a succession of texts pledging the money in a single evening!

The legal process for the purchase of the land has now been completed, with title deeds and lawyers’ signatures ensuring that the land is safely the property of Hands at Work in the DRC.

In his message thanking Hands at Work UK for their generosity, George commented that the securing of this safe place for the vulnerable children in Buhimba has saved lives.

Thank you to all who were part of this.  

Jane Newsome