Pumpkin Fundraising

We wanted to let you know about a creative fundraising idea our friends over in Hands at Work Germany have had.

This year they are running a Pumpkin Challenge in the city of Winsen in Germany, where there are many Hands at Work supporters.

For 10 Euros, participants will buy a pack of Gem Squash seeds – a variety eaten at some of the Care Points – and plant them on the same day, 25th May.

All the proceeds from the sale of the seeds will go towards supporting the children at the partnered Care Points for the three essential services of food, access to healthcare and schooling.

Seeds can be purchased from a stall at a flower market or at the church parish office. The pumpkins take around four months to harvest and have a dark green shell and nutty taste.

The challenge will culminate with an event at a community market on the 6th October where participants are invited to bring their produce and the five biggest, five heaviest and five prettiest pumpkins will be announced!

Not only is it a fun activity but it’s also a great opportunity to start conversations about Hands at Work and to tell the stories of the children and families supported by the partnership.

We wish all the participants good luck with their pumpkin growing!

You can follow along with the challenge on the Hands at Work Germany Instagram page @handsatwork_germany

We’d love to hear about your Hands at Work fundraising activities: info@uk.handsatwork.org