UK Visit by George and Carolyn Snyman

“Isn’t it good to be able to meet together?” This was the comment of so many of the Hands at Work UK Advocates at our first ‘in-person’ Gathering since 2019. Meeting at St. Luke’s Church, St. Albans, we were pleased to welcome George and Carolyn Snyman, Hands at Work’s Co-founders, too. Their presence energized and informed us, sending us out renewed in our commitment as Advocates.

The Advocates’ Gathering was one of an exhaustive programme of events when the Snymans visited the UK for 11 days in September from 16th to 27th. It took them all over the country to partner churches and Hands at Work supporters. Starting in Bristol, George preached at three of the churches in the Woodlands Group. He and Carolyn met supporters at regional meetings in the West Midlands and East Anglia. The final Sunday of their visit was spent at the Forge Community Church in Debenham near Ipswich. They met recent team members and listened to their experiences, talked with new partners, and encouraged long-standing supporters.

George and Carolyn shared stories of the work being done in our communities this year, especially the development of our programmes for 0-5s, African Leadership Development, community gardens and Youth Discipleship. They inspired and challenged us all. At Highgrove Community Church George, lighting a large candle, reminded us, ‘It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness’.

 David Newsome
