The Story of Chinyausunzi Community
Chinyausunzi is an area located within the greater community of Sakubva in Zimbabwe, filled with single-room homes originally built for male industrial workers. As the community has grown and changed, the infrastructure has remained the same resulting in multiple generations of families living in one residence leading to massive overcrowding and very poor sanitation. A steady income is elusive, forcing young girls into prostitution in order to make enough money to buy the food needed to sustain their families. Many children have been orphaned due to their parents dying from HIV/AIDs, leaving a void of parental guardianship. Grandparents, many of whom are frail from old age are left with the responsibility to care, but often find they are overwhelmed and unable to cope. The alarmingly high rates of HIV/AIDs, tuberculosis and infection within Chinyausunzi have a devastating impact on the thousands of families who can barely afford food for a single day, let alone clinic fees.

130 Children currently supported
11 Care Workers COORDINATed by Florence
Basic Services Started in 2016
10 km from the MUTARE Local Office
There are currently eleven Care Workers from the Chinyausunzi Community Based Organisation (CBO) who sacrificially give up their time to visit and care for the most vulnerable children. These Care Workers are united in bringing love and hope to a community facing desperate times.
In 2012, Hands at Work began partnering with the Care Workers from the nearby Sakubva CBO to serve the most vulnerable children. Due to the extent of the need, the Care Workers were walking long distances to visit the children living in the Chinyausunzi Community. In 2015, the local Hands at Work team in Mutare and members of the South African Regional Support Team began walking in Chinyausunzi to assess the need and find a suitable place to use as a Life Centre.
Volunteers from Hands at Work were walking in Chinyausunzi when they met Pastor Sunday from the local Christian Marching Church, who had a good relationship with one of the pastors on the Sakubva CBO Board. Pastor Sunday felt compelled to help Hands at Work start caring for the most vulnerable children in his community and gave the Chinyausunzi CBO land to use as their Life Centre
Two Care Workers and one cook transitioned from serving at the Sakubva CBO to serving in Chinyausunzi because it was closer to their homes. Since then, a team of additional Care Workers have been mobilised to serve with them, many of whom are the Primary Caregivers of the children being supported by Hands at Work.
Currently, the Care Workers are providing 130 children with a hot, nutritious meal daily and support with their education and basic health care. One of the ways that the children are supported with health care is with clinic fees when they are unwell, easing the burden on their struggling families, who would otherwise have been unable to afford it.
The local Hands at Work team in Mutare currently supports four Community Based Organisations, which exist to care for the most vulnerable in their communities. The office provides training, networking, and encouragement to those Community Based Organisations like Chinyausunzi. It also gives administrative support, including helping with funding proposals, monitoring and evaluation, bookkeeping and reporting to donors.

We’re going to be regularly introducing one of our Care Workers from across Africa. Today, we want you to meet Barbra from the Chinyausunzi Community in Zimbabwe.
“My name is Barbra. I am married with four children. I have been a Care Worker for 12 years. I volunteered to be a Care Worker after the vision was shared at my church. I have a passion for children, especially orphans because I grew up as an orphan as well. I love being amongst the children.”

When Care Workers in Chinyausunzi Community, Zimbabwe met Paul* and his family, it was clear they were amongst the most vulnerable in their community. Paul’s mother does odd jobs but these are hard to come by and, often unable to find work, she struggles to provide even the most basic necessities for Paul and his younger brother, let alone have the funds needed for rent and school fees. Attending the Care Point is an answer to prayer as it eases the burden that Paul’s mother carries in providing for her children. Yet the care extends beyond their physical needs. Regularly, the family is visited in their home by Care Workers, who bring encouragement and spend time praying and reading the Bible with them.

In April, when the Care Workers in Chinyausunzi Community, Zimbabwe increased the number of children that they were serving, they found 12 year old Mercy and committed to coming alongside her and her siblings in their time of greatest need. As Care Worker Florence has been building a relationship with Mercy, she has grown in confidence and in her ability to interact with other children at the Care Point. Praise God for Care Workers across Africa, who are committed to building relationships of trust with the children that they serve.

Chinyausunzi Community, Zimbabwe: 12-year-old Simon* struggles with epilepsy and used to go to school so hungry that he’d faint in class. Early in 2019, Simon was invited by #CareWorker, Florence, to the Care Point, where he enjoys a nutritious meal daily.

Chinyausunzi Community, Zimbabwe
Often twelve-year-old Silu’s uncle goes to the side of the road where he begs for food and other basic necessities. It was during one of these times by the road that Maria, a volunteer Care Worker from the Chinyausunzi Community Based Organisation (CBO), met Silu’s uncle. Acting with the love and compassion of Christ, Maria visited Silu and his family in their home and was compelled to fight for this family. When the Chinyausunzi CBO was looking to increasing the number of children under their care in 2018, Maria and the other Care Workers knew that they needed to invite Silu to the Care Point, where he could be holistically cared for.

Six-year-old Ruko* lives in Chinyaunsunzi community, Zimbabwe, with his elderly grandmother and six siblings. The family received a long-awaited answer to prayer when volunteer Care Workers found and invited the children to the Care Point where they are holistically cared for.

“I became a Care Worker because the other Care Workers turned up and noticed me and as a result I wanted to do it for others and help bring people to Jesus.”
Privilege lives in Chinyausunzi Community, Zimbabwe (pictured third from the left with her fellow Care Workers).

"Please join us in praying for our Life Centres in Zimbabwe. This April, they have increased the number of children in four of our communities; Chinyausunzi, Pimai B, Pimai C and Chinaka. We are so thankful that these children are now receiving access to food, education and health care but more than that, we are thankful that they are getting to experience the love of Jesus through the Care Workers. Please pray that they will feel a sense of belonging and that they will grow in their knowledge and understanding of Jesus. Also, pray for our local office teams and Regional Support Teams as they serve these communities, especially as they begin to invite new people to join their teams."
Kara McLaughlin (International Volunteer, Australia) shares a prayer request for the communities in Zimbabwe.

The beginnings of Chinyausunzi CBO, Zimbabwe
The community of Chinyausunzi is located within the broader community known as Sakubva in Zimbabwe. In 2012, Hands at Work began working with the Care Workers from the Sakubva Community Based Organisation (CBO) to serve the most vulnerable children. Due to the extent of the need, the Care Workers were walking long distances to visit the children in Chinyausunzi Community. In 2015, the Mutare Local Office team and members of the South African Regional Support Team began walking in the community to assess the need and find a suitable location to support the children out of. Volunteers from Hands at Work were walking in Chinyausunzi when they met Pastor Sunday from the local Christian Marching Church who had a good relationship with one of the pastors on the Sakubva CBO Board. Pastor Sunday felt compelled to help Hands at Work start caring for the most vulnerable children in his community by giving the Chinyausunzi CBO land to use for the Care Point.
Today the Care Workers from the CBO are caring for 75 of the most vulnerable children in their community.

Day 14 – Local Volunteer Care Workers
Ask God to bring encouragement, strength and hope to the local volunteer Care Workers who have dedicated their lives to serving and caring for the most vulnerable. Pray for the Care Workers to be unified in Christ Jesus as they live out the biblical mandate to seek out the lost, the broken and the destitute. Ask God for more men and woman to recognise their calling to care for the most vulnerable within their own communities.
Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be a servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
– Mark 10:43 - 45
Meet Privilege, a local volunteer Care Workers from the community of Chinyausunzi in Zimbabwe:
Privilege has faced the reality of caring for her three children and one nephew alone, since her husband passed away and her brother left his child under her care. She is unable to find work and has no means of providing for her family. Seeing their vulnerability, volunteers from the Chinyaunsunzi Community Based Organisation (CBO) invited the children to come to the Care Point.
As the Care Workers started visiting Privilege and her children, bringing the love and hope of Christ, Privilege began to gain a deeper understanding of the work that the Care Workers were doing and knew that she wanted to be a part of it. Despite her family’s unpredictable living situation and the struggle that they face to survive, Privilege has a heart of compassion to care for the other children in her community who are suffering. She became a Care Worker because of the example that was set by the other Care Workers when they loved and cared for her family.
“I know that at times the family has struggled to have food in their house and needed to borrow from the Care Workers. Yet by God’s grace, she is a Care Worker who loves engaging with the children at the Care Point and playing with them in the dirt and dust.”
– Tyler Ralph, International Volunteer (Canada)

"In the community of Chinyaunsunzi in #Zimbabwe, an increase to the number of children being cared for took place in early July. These additional children have started receiving daily access to food, education and basic health care.” #ServingTheMostVulnerable #Food

Tyler Ralph ( #InternationalVolunteer, #Canada) reflects on local pastors’ involvement in #Zimbabwe: ⠀⠀⠀
“Farai and the local office team in Mutare are busy trying to engage pastors from the local community of Sakubva. Many of these pastors have been around for years, but there was a need to challenge them in the way that they support both Sakubva and Chinyausunzi Community Based Organisations (CBO). Farai and the team brought the pastors from Mutare up to Honde Valley to visit Chinaka Community. They chose Chinaka because the pastors there are very dedicated to the work, constantly supporting the Care Workers in their spiritual growth. ⠀⠀⠀
The Sakubva pastors were able to hear about God’s heart for the vulnerable children as well as hear from the Chinaka pastors about their involvement in the CBO. The Sakubva pastors shared that they felt convicted because they were not doing their best to support the children. They committed to being more intentional in the work that is happening in Sakubva and Chinyausunzi.”#LocalChurch

Meet Kamali*. "When Kamali was invited to come to the Care Point, she was quiet and unwilling to share her story with anyone, lacking any kind of social skills. As the Care Workers invested into her life, Kamali has learned how to trust and interact with others. The more time that the Care Workers have given to her, the more she has opened up." Read more about Kamali who lives in Chinyaunsunzi, Zimbabwe.

…Though his aunt welcomed Misheck into her home, she was already caring for other children, making them a large family of ten. The uncle in the home tries to support the family by gold panning around the nearby city of Mutare, but rarely makes any money. The burden is heavy for this family.
We faced many challenges along the way because people thought that if you were doing something like this, you should get money. They would also point to the work and say that it was for women and that men are supposed to be working for their families. But the relationships that I had built with the children made me unable to say no.
“I’ve always had a heart for the vulnerable and I don’t believe in coincidences. I feel that God put the pieces of the puzzle together. He put these burdens in my heart and, at the right time, brought the opportunity for me to be useful in His Kingdom….”
At that point I was a Christian and was going to the Apostolic Faith Mission Church. Farai Gunhe (African Volunteer, Zimbabwe) was my youth leader, along with another lady, which is when I started hearing about Hands at Work and the work that Farai was involved with. He did invite me to join but I just didn’t think I had the gifts it took to serve the most vulnerable. However, it encouraged me when Farai kept pursuing me – he must have seen something in me.
Late last week and through the weekend Cyclone Idai hit South Eastern Africa. What initially looked like a bad storm has turned into disaster for tens of thousands of people, affecting Malawi first with floods, then Mozambique and Zimbabwe.
It is said to be the worst ever weather related disaster to strike the southern hemisphere according to the UN.
Throughout the past few weeks I have had a number of opportunities to walk alongside our African brothers and sisters as they tirelessly fight for justice (making wrong things right) in their own communities. I have witnessed them being Jesus’ hands and feet. Running headlong into the darkness. Bringing the true ‘light’ to the darkest of places.
As the Care Workers invested into her life, Kamali has learned how to trust and interact with others. The deeper the Care Workers have invested into her life, the more that they have been able to find out about her story.
At Hands at Work, our volunteers are called by God from all over the world to serve the most vulnerable in Africa. Each of us has a unique story of how we were transformed when we stepped out in faith and were obedient to His call. Prudence shares her story and the journey that has led her to fully trust and serve in South Africa.
When Nicholas* was just five years old, both of his parents tragically died in the same year, leaving him in the care of an uncle. His uncle was emotionally and physically abusive but with no one else to turn to, Nicholas was trapped in his home. His uncle refused to pay school fees so Nicholas was unable to attend school. Nicholas’ Aunt Mildred* visited the family and was appalled by Nicholas’ physical and emotional state.
Care Workers are the key in bringing healing and transformation to the lives of our children. They are men and women from the local churches within our communities who recognize their Biblical mandate and answer their call to care for the most vulnerable children. They demonstrate what it means to give freely, love unconditionally, and sacrifice everything. Often, Care Workers face their own traumas and live in dire poverty, just as the children they care for do, but their determination to persevere and care despite their own circumstances challenges everyone they come into contact with. They are greatest in the Kingdom of God!