Neuigkeiten zur Sturm-Nothilfe

Hands at Work hat uns eine Zwischenbericht über die Aktivitäten in Malawi und Mosambik geschickt. In Malawi wurden 7 Häuser temporär repariert und werden in Kürze neu aufgebaut. Es ist beeindruckend, wie die Familien, Nachbarn und die Hands at Work-Mitarbeiter zusammenarbeiten. In Mosambik wird aktuell gesät und geflanzt, um nach dem totalen Ernteausfall wenigstens ein wenig Nahrung aus eigenem Anbau zu haben. Der gemeinsame Anbau gibt den Betroffenen wieder Hoffnung in dieser verzweifelten Situation.

Hier die Berichte von Hands at Work:

Malawi | Rebuilding

In Malawi, many homes were affected after CycloneIdai. As part of our response, we assessed what houses were most vulnerable andas a community started doing home repairs for those families.

Royie(Service Centre Coordinator, Malawi) and his team identified 25 houses that theyidentified as being top priority to be rebuilt. As of this week, 7 of thesehave been rebuilt with temporary bamboo sticks and poles. Bricks are currentlybeing made to complete rebuilds for the remaining houses.

Kawaza Community, Malawi

14-year old Daniel* is one of the children benefitting from this response. Before the cyclone, Daniel lived with his Gogo in a house, next door to his 5 other half siblings and mother. Devastatingly, both houses were completely destroyed, along with all of the family’s belongings. Left in an extremely vulnerable situation, the family set to work building a small, temporary shelter that all 8 of them stayed in.

The surrounding community joined the family to begin rebuilding a home - family, neighbours and the Hands at Work team - all generously bringing materials to complete the build.

Zimbabwe and Mozambique | Gardens and planting

Inthe wake of Cyclone Idai, many people’s crops were affected, threatening foodsecurity for the whole year ahead. As part of Hands at Work’s response, landwas purchased to create community gardens, enabling Primary Care Givers, Care Workers,and their families to grow food during this hunger season.

Chigodole - Mozambique

This week, the community came together and cleared the land to begin planting. The field was initially ploughed by the community and potatoes and cabbages are being planted. The Care Workers and Primary Caregivers are working together, in order to provide for both themselves and their families. In a situation that seemed desperate, this community has been restored with hope.