"God fostered in me a heart and burden for the vulnerable and marginalised through my own personal experience as an immigrant who became part of a minority group; through my work in the field of environmental (in)justice, where scientific data shows how poor and minority communities are disproportionately affected by pollution; and through Hands at Work, where my eyes were further opened to extreme poverty and other social crises, and how God can use ordinary people to do extraordinary things through the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus. Hands at Work has put names and faces to the poorest and most vulnerable and surrounded me with fellow Christians who feel similarly called — to pray and care for our sisters and brothers in Africa whom Hands at Work serves and to see the world with a sensitivity towards the marginalised and overlooked. In my own context, this has included “caring for the carers” who run our local food pantry, building friendships with residents in subsidised housing who are transitioning from life on the streets, and doing “holy home visits” to neighbours who are isolated and struggling. I am grateful for Hands at Work introducing me to Care Workers who are “simply” living out the Biblical mandate to care for orphans and widows. They are my role models who inspire me to be a Care Worker here at home."