And here on this mountain, God will banish the pall of doom hanging over all peoples,
The shadow of doom darkening all nations. Yes, He’ll banish death forever.And God will wipe the tears from every face. He’ll remove every sign of disgrace.
From His people, wherever they are. Yes! God says so! - Isaiah 25:7-8 (MSG)
A grandmother Goma carrying a child as she works.
Pray for renewal in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a country desperately trying to recover from years of war and rebel attacks. In the more stable southern region, attacks have subsided, yet the area of Goma in the north-east remains highly unstable. Ask God, in complete dependence on Him, for transformation in communities that are trying to rebuild after being burned down, abandoned, and left for refugee camps. Trust Him that in this dark nation, He will banish death, tears, and disgrace.
Read a reflection from Erick, one of our local leaders in DRC, on his experience in Goma.