But the meek shall inherit the land, and delight themselves in abundant prosperity - Psalm 37:11 (NRSV)
A crisis exists among single parents within the most vulnerable communities. Many young mothers and teenage girls struggle with feeling outcast and alone in their communities. Pray that God will grant a sense of belonging to each young mother and father. Pray they will know that though often faced with the impossibility of raising their children in poverty, God has promised them life, and life in abundance. Pray for each one to deeply know this life-giving God.
Busie (R) with friends in Malawi
As a single mother herself, Busie came to serve with Hands at Work many years ago, and today is one of our key leaders whose compassion for young mothers led her to create programs in the poorest communities for those young girls who are danger of feeling outcast. Read Busie's story.