Day 14 – Pray for Our Communities in Mozambique
Within Mozambique, there are five communities being supported and cared for: Chigodole, Gobogobo, Macadeira, Matsinho A, and Matsinho B.
Today we invite you to pray for the challenges that exist across all communities:
• “One of the biggest challenges we have is that of the children in our communities, girls are married before their time. We start the year with a good number of girls, but the year ends with many married girls. Please pray into this.
• There is challenge of unity, especially in the communities of Macadeira and Gobogobo. Pray for unity.
• Many children are enrolled in school but by the end of the year, many have dropped out. Pray against this spirit of dropping out of school.
• Pray for grandparents and children, that God will continue to protect them and that they will continue to hope in the Lord and that His will and desires will be fulfilled.” – Sandra
To learn more about Mozambique, the communities that we serve and about our Service Centres (local Hands at Work teams), please visit: