40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 33

Week 5 - Hands at Work around the World

Jesus calls us to love and serve the least, because in doing that, we are loving and serving Him. Pray for people internationally to desire to come to Africa and serve the poor. Pray individuals and teams will come with a willing spirit to learn, to encourage, and to be prepared that they will never be the same. 

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 32

Week 5 - Hands at Work around the World

Many dedicated international advocates have committed to raising support for an entire village of vulnerable children in Africa each year. They are the link between Hands at Work and their friends, family, church members or co-workers who join them in supporting this village.

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 29

Week 5: Hands at Work around the World 

Bernard playing with children in Mulenga, ZambiaPray God will send His hand-picked servants to Hands at Work in Africa and internationally. Ask Him to reveal those willing to serve and grow into long-term volunteers. Pray He will provide financially, emotionally, and spiritually for those who make the choice to answer His call to serve the most vulnerable.

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 28

Week 5 - Hands at Work around the World

Pray for a Christ-centred community to be created among the volunteers in each international country. As they seek to live out the same vision and values as those who are serving in Africa, ask God to bind them in support and love for one another, especially across great distances.