Footloose and Fundraising

Well, Woodlands Church in Bristol certainly did kick off their Sunday shoes back in July when they ran an online danceathon to raise money for Hands at Work.

After plans for a silent disco were scuppered due to lockdown restrictions, the children's ministry team at Woodlands got creative and came up with the idea of an hour-long sponsored dance session on Zoom.
Imagine a great playlist, some follow-along dances led by professionals, throw in a game of musical statues and you get the idea. A judging panel also awarded prizes for the most enthusiastic dancers and the best costumes. It was great fun, and the total amount raised came to a fantastic £1,000!

We'd love to hear how you've been fundraising for Hands at Work in this time, or if you'd like some help to think through some fundraising ideas, then please get in touch