Hands at Home

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George and Carolyn Snyman normally visit the UK in June. As that was not possible this year, we ran a series of online events called 'Hands at Home'. Becci Feltham, National Teams Coordinator, explains:

“‘Hands at Home’ included four regional gatherings where we were joined by George and Carolyn Snyman, held prayer meetings, ran youth events, and more. At the final event, we asked people who are a part of the Hands at Work community here in the UK to share with us any lessons they had learnt during lockdown, and anything they felt God had been saying to them during this time. You can watch some highlights of their responses and the full videos here.

Although meeting online is not the same as meeting in person, we have loved seeing you all on Zoom and feel there is much value in meeting together. We will therefore continue with online women’s prayer (on the first Monday of each month at 8am) and online men’s prayer (on the first Tuesday of each month at 8am).

If you would like to join these meetings, please send an email to Jane here.”